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U.S. Coast Guard
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2019 Approval Log


Division 12, Fifth District -
Northern Region

Division 12
Division 12 is a unique U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary unit serving the entire State of Delaware and adjacent waters. As a civilianSARDET
                              BOWERS component of the U.S. Coast Guard, we are dedicated to educating the public in Boating Safety.

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Division Elected Officers for 2024
Roy Zimmerman - DCDR
John Craig - VCDR
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NEW - See us on Facebook
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Division CalendarBottom Bar
Know your COVID-19 Risk Assessment for various activities
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Help Wanted

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A New Member Training Source
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Check out Bowers Beach Antenna repair photos on our Shutterfly site
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Next Meeting: to be announced
at Milford Parks and Recreation

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Portal to Mandated Courses AUXLMSBottom Bar
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Before your start your boat trip, have a
Vessel Safety Check.
Will your boat pass?
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Take a Boating Safety ClassBottom Bar
U.S.C.G. Auxiliary National Website
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Disclaimer and Privacy Statement:
Please read before exploring our web site and its links.

Mail Box Direct your comments and web related questions to Webmaster.
Last updated: 25 June 2024

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Auxiliary 85th  Anniversary

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Division 12 meets at 1900 hrs. on the fourth Thursday of each month at Milford Parks and Recreation,
207 Franklin St., Milford, DE
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Regional Weather
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Local Weather Report

Going on the water? Check the marine weather and buoy links for the Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean

weather buoy
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Want to Join the Auxiliary?
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