U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Division 12 Elected and Staff Officers

Elected Officers for 2024

Division Commander (DCDR) -- Roy Zimmerman

Vice Commander (VCDR) Chief of Staff -- John Craig

Appointed Staff Officers for 2024

IPDCR (Immediate Past Commander) Stephen Straneva

SO-AS (AuxScout) - Vacant

SO-CM (Communications) Vacant

SO-CS (Communications Services) Warren R. Huff

SO-DV (Diversity)
Joseph Bernard

SO-FN (Finance) Nancy L. Otto

SO-CA (Culinary Assistance)) Cynthia Chamowitz

SO-HR (Human Resources) Vacant

SO-IS (Information Systems) Michael Golden

SO-MA (Materials)
Ronald Latini

SO-MS (Marine Safety)
Michael Maguire

SO-MT (Member Training) Stephen Straneva

SO-NS (Navigation Systems) James Stellene

SO-OP (Operations) Don Merrill

SO-PA (Public Affairs) William Pettigrew

SO-PE (Public Education) Ralph Carotenuto

SO-PB (Publications) Donna Doyle

SO-PV (Program Visitor) Michael Faben

SO-SR (Secretary) Donna Doyle

SO-VE (Vessel Examination) Alfred O. Grimminger

NSBW (National Safe Boating Week) Vacant

Division 12 Standing Rules, Appendix A and Appendix B

Page updated: 25 June 2024

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